
WHAT LANDIS WORE : white shoe/blue glove

out to dinner with tim one night,
classic san fran weather.

cold enough for a cashmere sweater, but not a jacket.
enough wind to justify a hat, or a scarf, or a glove,
but not all three.

thanks to mr. raf simons,
and his cobalt calfskin gloves.


LenoreNeverM♡re said...

yay to Raf!!! Luv what he's doing f J Sander this cool winter season...I want to cacoon myself in one of the fab coats...yes please...

The Spicers said...

Gorgeous gloves.

Jennifer said...

okay but if those didn't go so nicely with your sweater, you'd look like a serial killer.

Landis said...

agreed, lenore,
there's a black one, pleated, that i'm dying for.


your point is? :)